2018年 “写意中国-2018中国国家画院青年画院作品展”(中国国家画院美术馆 北京)
2018年“体用一源:面向未来的水墨艺术-中国当代水墨年鉴三周年特展”(中国美术馆 北京)
2018年“水墨的转向-中国当代水墨邀请展”(绍兴市美术馆 绍兴)
2018年“区间-当代水墨名家研究展”(威海美术馆 威海)
2018年“学院新方阵第11届年展”(中国政协文史馆 北京)
2018年“墨魂画心-2018中国当代水墨作品邀请展(苏州)”(苏州基业艺术馆 苏州)
2018年“图像的现场-当代水墨新锐邀请展”(桂林市花桥美术馆 桂林)
2018年 “以形写神-2018全国高等艺术院校中国人物造型主题交流展暨研讨会”(南京艺术学院 南京)
2018年 “万物生-思与境偕-復言社主题邀请展”(復言社 北京)
2018年 “后传统的告白-当代水墨作品邀请展”(中华世纪坛 北京)
2018年 “中国水墨现场-天津2018”(天津美术馆 天津)
2017年 “写意中国-2017中国国家画院青年画院中国画作品展”(中国国家画院美术馆 北京市)
2017年“4K-若啃肉青年艺术项目”(达美艺术中心 北京)
2017年“二次空间-当代新媒体艺术展”(H-Space 西安)
2017年“同路而行-2017上海青年艺术博览会”(上海世贸商城展览中心 上海)
2017年“中国当代水墨年鉴2016-2017”(广州美术学院大学城美术馆 广州)
2017年“修之于乡”(逸轩美术馆 郑州)
2017年“三度空间-京津冀青年美术作品展”(炎黄艺术馆 北京)
2017年“重影-水墨的选择”(禾美术馆 长沙)
2017年“东学西见-中国当代艺术在纽伦堡”(埃尔兰根孔子学院 德国 纽伦堡)
2017年“森林中国-学院新方阵十年展”(今日美术馆 北京)
2017年“中国当代水墨-柒舍精粹展”(南海传媒亚洲艺术中心 澳大利亚 悉尼)
2016年“变相-水墨的维度-第三届当代水墨空间”(广东美术馆 广州)
2016年“2016-第十届中国工笔画大展”(中国美术馆 北京)
2016年“同时代人-中国水墨艺术邀请展”(山水美术馆 北京)
2016年“水墨形态”(威狮国际艺术中心 福州)
2016年“学院新方阵-2016年度提名展”(天大云华美术馆 北京)
2016年“中国未来-第二届青年艺术家提名展”(金陵美术馆 南京)
2016年“紫气东来-矩阵-中国当代艺术家作品国际巡展”(莫雷市艺术中心 法国)
2016年“关注的力量-青年水墨作品展(第三回)”(今日美术馆 北京)
2016年“敞开视野:水墨的生态-2016中国当代水墨学术邀请展”(威海市美术馆 威海)
2016年“四方水墨-第三届当代水墨画家邀请展”(石家庄美术馆 石家庄)
2016年“中国当代水墨年鉴展2015-2016”(今日美术馆 北京)
2016年“心源-柒舍欧盟使团展”(欧盟驻华代表处 北京)
2016年“柒舍雅集五周年暨芭莎艺术之夜”(圣之空间 北京)
2016年“新视野-扫一扫当代艺术展合肥站”(亚明美术馆 合肥)
2016年“艺术共和-当代水墨青年名家邀请展”(管庄美术馆 北京)
2016年“新起点-扫一扫当代艺术展”(述古堂美术馆 深圳)
2015年“扫一扫-当代艺术展”(山水美术馆 北京)
2015年“六城纪-中国新水墨联展”(山东美术馆 济南)
2015年“学院新方阵-2015年度提名展”(天大云华美术馆 北京)
2015年“穿行-水墨七人展”(宽云美术馆 成都)
2015年“在路上-2014-中国青年艺术家作品提名展 (北京站)”(中间美术馆 北京)
2015年“不破‘不惑’-当代水墨画家邀请展”(石家庄美术馆 石家庄)
2015年 “当代水墨艺术研究中心成立暨当代水墨邀请展”(烟台画院陈列馆 烟台)
2015年“破图集-中国当代艺术家处理图像的方法”(寺上美术馆 北京)
2015年“后传统起源”(尤伦斯艺术商店 北京)
2015年“图像研究室-水墨进程中的一种‘显象’逻辑”(正观美术馆 北京)
2014年“在路上-2014-中国青年艺术家作品提名展”(关山月美术馆 深圳)
2014年“双轨记-关于老鲁的一次‘写生’”(芥墨艺术馆 南京)
2014年“画为心生-当代水墨邀请展”(金陵美术馆 南京)
2014年“中国未来-十竹斋画院2014年度青年艺术家提名展” (十竹斋画院 南京 )
2014年“墨向-非常态---中国当代水墨邀请展”(江苏省美术馆 南京)
2014年“大观-柒舍雅集水墨邀请展”(芥墨艺术馆 南京)
2014年“坚白同异-柒舍雅集学术展”(蜂巢当代艺术中心 北京)
2014年“学院新方阵2014年度展”(巅峰艺术中心 北京)
2014年“墨言新语-当代水墨展”(1+1艺术中心 北京)
2014年“关注的力量-青年水墨作品展” (今日美术馆 北京)
2014年“艺术家的理想-柒舍雅集水墨展”(今日美术馆 北京)
2014年“首届70后水墨大展”(金陵美术馆 南京)
2014年“水墨@笔墨-柒舍雅集艺术展第三回” (映禾美术馆 南京)
2013年“第八届深圳国际水墨双年展”(关山月美术馆 深圳)
2013年“学院新方阵-中国当代水墨艺术家提名展”(今日美术馆 北京)
2013年“生亦何欢-当代艺术联展”(白空间 北京)
2013年“纸度-当代水墨学术展Ⅰ”(绘通当代画廊 北京)
2013年“2013北京798艺术节第二届艺术家作品推介展”(798 创意广场 北京)
2013年 “凡逸-当代水墨宇辰邀请展”(宇辰美术馆 烟台)
2013年“春天来了-2170中国画精英展”(养墨堂美术馆 南京)
2013年 “艺术北京-柒舍雅集”(农业展览馆 北京)
2012年“2012第五届美术报艺术节”(兰州美术馆 兰州)
2012年“人的尺度—当代水墨人物画名家邀请展”(大境艺术馆 扬州)
2012年“卢浮宫归来—中国水墨北京巡回展(环铁时代美术馆 北京)
2012年 “2170中国画邀请展”(养墨堂美术馆 南京)
2012年 “上海新水墨大展2012·中国水墨现场” (上海多伦现代美术馆)
2012年 “2012当代中国画青年领袖作品展”(赖少其艺术馆 合肥)
2012年 “中国当代水墨采样第二回” (汕上空间 汕头)
2012年 “中国水墨百年----卢浮宫卡鲁塞尔邀请展”(卢浮宫 法国 巴黎)
2011年 “美术报艺术节—学院新方阵——当代中国画名家新作”(可园博物馆 东莞)
2011年 “四号美术馆作品展” (北京地铁四号线)
2011年 “2011 学院新方阵——当代中国画名家新作展” (上海美术馆 )
2011年 “2011宇辰水墨邀请展”(宇辰美术馆 烟台)
2011年 “梦-自由——水墨人物作品展”(十竹斋 南京)
2011年 “图像叙事——当代水墨系列展第二回 ”(九思艺术空间 天津)
2010年 “学院新方阵——当代中国画名家新作展” (今日美术馆 北京)
2010年 “状态——五人作品展” (798 宏艺术中心 北京)
2010年 “数风流人物——2170中国人物画第三回展”(养墨堂美术馆 南京)
2010年 “状态——四人作品展” (798今日画廊 北京)
2010年 “中国水墨现场-2010上海” (上海美术馆 上海)
2010年 “学院新方阵——当代中国画家十人展” (宇辰美术馆 烟台)
2009年 “相由心生——当代学院水墨现象邀请展” (繁星美术馆 北京)
2009年 “反-映——当代艺术展” (本色美术馆 苏州 )
2009年 “身体意象——2009学院水墨邀请展” (徐汇艺术馆 上海)
2009年 “转向与关联 ——水墨材料生命的端倪 2009年度水墨报告提名展”(环铁时代美术馆 北京)
2009年 “隐匿—开放 东北当代水墨展”(高地画廊 北京)
2009年 “四门阵”今派传承当代水墨主题展(今日美术馆 北京)
2008年 “想像与道路——北方 — 水墨—七人”( 北京工业大学艺术设计学院视觉艺术馆)
2008年 “落墨 ——2008学院水墨提名展” (海上山艺术中心 上海)
2008年 “学院新方阵——当代中国青年水墨画名家邀请展” (朱屺瞻美术馆 上海)
2008年 “学院 在线 ——2008中国生于70年代水墨画家提名展”(江苏省国画院 南京)
2008年 “数风流人物——2170中国画邀请展”(江苏省美术馆 南京)
2008年 “永恒的经典——《中国画苑》当代中国画邀请展”(中国国家画院美术馆 北京)
2007年 “水墨今日——中国当代青年水墨画家邀请展” (今日美术馆 北京 )
2017年 “碎念与帝国-王煜、陈子丰双个展”(贤空间 北京)
2016年 “现实的褶皱-王煜个人作品展”(復言社 北京 )
2014年 “视觉的阀:王煜” (今日美术馆 北京)
2007年 “王煜个人水墨展” (北京工业大学艺术设计学院视觉艺术馆 北京)
2004年 《江苏画刊提名21世纪优秀艺术家画集—王煜》(江苏美术出版社)
鲁迅美术学院 、上海美术馆 、本色美术馆 、宇辰美术馆、关山月美术馆、威狮国际艺术中心、贤空间、广东美术馆、桂林市花桥美术馆。
Wang Yu,
1978 Born in Kaiyuan, Liaoning Province.
2001 Graduated From Chinese Painting Department , Luxun Academy of Fine Arts
2004 Completed MA Degree from Department of Chinese Figure Studio,Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts.
Now lecturer in College of Art &Design, Beijing University of Technology,Head of Painting Department ,Associate Professor,Postgraduate Tutor,Member of China Hue Art Society,One work is Supported byYoung Artists Program from China National Arr Funds 2019 .
Group Exhibitions:
2018 Freehand-2018 China’National Academies Youth Academies Collection of Chinese Painting, Art Gallery of China National Academy of Painting,Beijing
2018 Reconfirming: The Furure -Oriented Ink Art-Special EXhibition for the Third Anniversary of China Contemporary Ink 2018,National Art Museum of China,Beijing
2018 The Turn of Ink Painting-ChineseContemporary Ink Painting Exhibition,Shaoxing Art Museum ,Shaoxing
2018 Interval -Exhibition of Contemporary Ink and Wash Masters,Weihai Art Museum,Weihai
2018 The 10th Anniversary Exhibition New Art Academy Elite,Auditorium of CPPCC ,Beijing
2018 The Essence of Ink 2018 ChineseContemporary Ink Painting Exhibition ,Foundation Art Museum ,Suzhou
2018 Scene of Image- Invitational Exhibition of China Contemporary Ink Painting,Guilin Huaqiao Art Museum,Guilin
2018 Exchange Exhibition of and Symposium on Figure Styling of Traditional Chinese Painting for Nation Art Colleges and Universities ,Nanjing University of The Arts, Nanjing
2018 All Things Grow, Fuyan Commune,Beijing
2018 Post-Tradition and It’s Confession-Contemporary Ink –Painting Invitational Exhibition,China World Art Museum,Beijing
2018 Chinese Ink Art Scene Tianjin 2018,Tianjin Museum of Art,Tianjin
2017 Freehand-2017 China’National Academies Youth Academies Collection of Chinese Painting, Art Gallery of China National Academy of Painting,Beijing
2017 4K-Rock and Roll Youth Art Project, Damei Art Centre,Beijing
2017 The Second Space-The Contemporary New Media Art Exhibition,H-Space,Xian
2017 Single Road We Tread -2017 sShanghai Youth Art Fair ,Shanghaimart Exhibition Hall,Shanghai
2017 Annual Review Exhibition of China Contemporary Ink Painting 2016-2017,Ucity Art Museum of GuangZhou Academy of Fine Art , GuangZhou
2017 Dongbei Exhibition of Contemporary ink Painting ,YiXuan Gallery,Zhengzhou
2017 Three-Dimensional Space 2017,Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing
2017 Double Vision –The Selection of the Chinese Ink –Wash Paint ,He Art Gallery,Changsha
2017 Interaction:Contemporary Chinese Art in Nuremberg,Konfuzius-Institut Nurnberg-Erlangen,Germany
2017 The 10th Anniversary Exhibition New Art Academy Elite ,Today Art Museum,Beijing
2017 Chinese Contemporary Ink -Masterpieces Of QiShe Ya-Ji ,Nan Hai Culture&Media , Australia Sydney
2016 Disguised Form-Ink Paintings’Dimension-The Third Exhibition of Contemporary Ink Works,Guangdong Museum of Art ,Guangzhou
2016 The 10th National Exhibition of Chinese Hue Art Paintings 2016,National Art Museum of China,Beijing
2016 One Genneration-Chinese Ink Art Invitation Exhibition ,Landscape Art Museum , Beijing
2016 Ink Now,SeeWell International Art Center,Fuzhou
2016 College of New Phalanx 2016 Annual Nomination Show ,Grand Yunhua Art Museum ,Beijing
2016 Chinese Future –The 2nd Nomination Exhibition of Young Artists , Jinling Art Museum, Nanjing
2016 A Propitious Omen-International Exhibition of Contemporary ink Painting by Invited Chinese Artists,Morey Art Centre ,France
2016 The Power of Attention-Ink Painting Works of Young Artists,Today Art Museum,Beijing
2016 Opening the View Wide:The Ecology of Ink Painting Art Academic Invitational Exhibition of China Contemporary Ink Painting Art 2016,Weihai Art Museum,Weihai
2016 Multiple Ink-Third Exhibition of Contemporary ink Painting by Invited Artists,Shijiazhuang Museum,Shi'jia'zhuang
2016 Annual Review Exhibition of China Contemporary Ink Painting 2015-2016,Today Art Museum,Beijing
2016 Fountain of the Heart Qishe Ya-ji Art Exhibition @ Delegation of the European Union to China,Delegation of the European Union to China
2016 Qishe Ya-ji Fifth anniversary and Night of Bazaar Art,ShengZhi Space,Beijing
2016 New View-Sao yi Sao Contemporary Art Exhibition,YaMing Art Museum ,Hefei
2016 Art Republic-Exhibition of Contemporary ink Painting by Invited Artists, Guanzhuang Art Museum,Beijing
2016 New Beginning -Sao yi Sao Contemporary Art Exhibition,ShuGuTang Art Museum , Shenzhen
2015 Sao yi Sao Contemporary Art Exhibition, Landscape Art Museum , Beijing
2105 Six Cities Record- Exhibition of Contemporary ink Painting,Shandong Art Museum,Jinan
2015 College of New Phalanx 2015 Annual Nomination Show ,Grand Yunhua Art Museum ,Beijing
2015 Pass Through - Exhibition of Contemporary ink Painting by Seven Artists, Kuanyun Art Museum,Chengdu
2015 Sincere Heart To Treat Things – Entering Academy 2015 National Chinese Painting Exhibition for Young University Teachers , Art Gallery of China National Academy of Painting,Beijing
2015 On the Road-Nomination Exhibition of Chinese Yong Artists,Beijing Station, Inside-Out Art Museum ,Beijing
2015 Unbroken and Unperplexed- Exhibition of Contemporary ink Painting by Invited Artists, Shijiazhuang Museum,Shijiazhuang
2015 Exhibition of Contemporary ink Painting by Invited Artists,Yantai Academy of Painting Museum,Yantai
2015 Breaking The Image –Methods in the Treatment of Imagery by Contemporary Artists from China, SiShang Museum ,Beijing
2015 Post-Tradition and Its Origins ,UCCAstore ,Beijing
2015 Image Study –Logic of Presentation Ink Wash And Ink Process,Zhengguan Art Museum, Beijing
2014 On the Road-Nomination Exhibition of Chinese Yong Artists, Guanshanyue Museum, Shenzhen
2014 Out ink series Exhibition-A Sketch on Lao lu, ,Jiemo Art Centre,Nanjing
2014 Painting as Voices- Exhibition of Contemporary ink Painting by Invited Artists, Jinling Museum , Nanjing
2014 Chinese Future –Shizhuzhai Art Academy 2014 Annual Exhibition of Young Artists Nomination , Shizhuzhai Art Academy, Nanjing
2014 Ink-Dimensions-Abnormal State- Contemporary ink Painting Invitational Exhibition , Jiangsu Art Museum ,Nanjing
2014 The New In Art-Reborn of Traditional Chinese Culture ,Shijiazhuang Museum
2014 Grand View -Art Exhibition of QiSheArts,,Jiemo Art Centre,Nanjing
2014 Harmony in Diversity ,Academic Exhibition of QiSheArts,Hive Center for ContemporaryArt,Beijing
2014 2014 New Academy Formation ,Summit Art Centre,Beijing
2014 Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition,1+1 Art Centre,Beijing
2014 Power concerns- Youth Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition, Todayart Museum,Beijing
2014 Ideal Atist - The 4rd Art Exhibition of Qishe Arts , Today Art Museum,Beijing
2014 The After70s Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition , Jinling Museum , Nanjing
2014 Ink Wash &Brush Strokes –The 3rd Art Exhibition of Qishe Arts ,Yinghe Gallery , Nanjing
2013 The 8th International Ink Art Biennale of Shenzhen ,Guanshanyue Museum, Shenzhen
2013 2013 New Academy Formation——New Works of Contemporary Artists Exhibition of Chinese Painting,Todayart Museum ,Beijing
2013 No Joy In Life – Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition , White Gallery , Beijing
2013 Zhi Du- Contemporary ink Painting Invitational Exhibition , Huitong Gallery , Beijing
2013 2013 Beijing 798 Art Festival Art Work Promotion Exhibition ,798 ,Beijing
2013 Elegance in the mortal world -Yu Chen Art Museum Contemporary ink Painting Invitational Exhibition , YuChen Art Museum, YanTai
2013 2013 Art Macao, Macao
2013 Spring is coming- Invitational Exhibition of Contemporay Chinese Painting,2170,Yangmotang Art Museum ,Nanjing
2013 Art Beijing-Qishe Arts , Agricultural Exhibition Center , Beijing
2012 2012 China Art Weekly Art Festival, Lanzhou Museum,Lanzhou
2012 Measurement of Portrait - Invitational Exhibition of Contemporay ink portraits, Dajing Museum of Art , Yangzhou
2012 Louvre return - Chinese ink painting Beijing Exhibition Tour , Huan Tie Times Museum,Beijing
2012 Invitational Exhibition of Contemporay Chinese Painting,2170,Yangmotang Art Museum ,Nanjing
2012 Shanghai New Ink Show 2012 Chinese ink painting scene ,Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art , Shanghai
2012 2012 Contemporary Chinese painting young leaders Exhibition , Lai shaoqi Museum of Art,Anhui
2012 Ink agreement -China contemporary ink painting experiments the second ,Sunshine space,
2012 Chinese ink century—Exhibition of the Louvre Carronsel , Louvre, Paris, France
2011 China Art Weekly Art Festival -- New Academy Formation——New Works of Contemporary Artists Exhibition of Chinese Painting, KeYuan Museum
2011 Exhibition of No.4 Art Museum , Beijing Subway Line No.4
2011 2011 New Academy Formation——New Works of Contemporary Artists Exhibition of Chinese Painting,Shanghai Art Museum
2011 Ink and Wash Invitational Exhibition of YuChen,YuChen Art Gallery ,YanTai
2011 Dream-Freedom——Exhibition of Contemporary ink figure , Shizhuzhai Gallery , Nanjing
2011 Image Narration——Exhibition of Contemporary ink series 2 ,JiuSi Art Space, Tianjin
2010 New Academy Formation——New Works of Contemporary Artists Exhibition of Chinese Painting,Todayart Museum ,Beijing
2010 Exhibition of five state ,798 Hong Art Centre ,Beijing
2010 Count the Romantic person ——Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese figure Painting,2170,( three ),Yangmotang Art Museum ,Nanjing
2010 Exhibition of four state ,798 Today Gallery ,Beijing
2010 2010 Shanghai Chinese ink painting Scene ,Shanghai Art Museum,Shanghai
2010 New Academy Formation——Invitational Exhibition of Ten Contemporary Chinese artists,YuChen Art Museum,YanTai
2009 “Phase from the Heart——Academy Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Ink and Wash Phenomenon,Star Art Museum,Beijing
2009 “Mirrored”Contemporary Chinese Art Show ,True Color Museum ,SuZhou
2009 Body′s Imagery——Ink and Wash Invitational Exhibition of Leading Chinese
Academy of Fine Arts 2009,XuHui Art Museum,Shanghai
2009 Change and Connect——Ink's live Meaning 2009 Ink Nominated Report Show ,Huan Tie Times Museum,Beijing
2009 Hiding Openning Notheast Contemporary Ink and Wash Exhibition , Gaodi Gallery ,Beijing
2009 Four Square Exhibition on Inheritance of Chinese Contemporary Ink ,Todayart Museum ,Beijing
2008 Imagination and Road —— Ink and wash . North. Seven Exhibition,
Visual Arts gallery of Art &Design, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing
2008 Lou Mo—— Ink and Wash Exhibition of 18 Nominated Artists from Leading Chinese Academy of Fine Arts 2008, HSS Art&Exhibition ,Shanghai
2008 New Academy Formation—— Invitational Exhibition of Contemporay Chinese young artists ,ZhuQiZhan Art Museum,Shanghai
2008 Academy Online—— Nominated Exhibition of Contemporay Chinese Painting Artists of Born in 1970th,2008,Jiangsu Academy of painting,Nanjing
2008 Count the Romantic person ——Invitational Exhibition of Contemporay Chinese Painting,2170,Jiangsu Art Museum ,Nanjing
2008 Eternal Classics——Invitational Exhibition of Contemporay Chinese Painting,Art Gallery of China National Academy of Painting,Beijing
2007 Ink and Wash Today——Invitational Exhibition of Contemporay Chinese young artists,Todayart Museum ,Beijing
Solo Exhibitions
2017 Confide And Conclude ,Wangyu and Chen zifeng,Xian Space, Beijing
2016 Folds of Reality ,Fuyan Commune,Beijing
2014 Visual Structure Insight:wangyu,Today Art Museum ,Beijing
2007 Exhibition of Wang Yu Solo Ink and Wash Painting ,Visual Arts gallery of Art &Design, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing
2015 “Visual Structure Insight:wangyu”, published byHebei Education Publishing House.
2014 “Fragmented Thoughts –Wangyu ” published byJiangji Fine Arts Publishing House.
2004 “Outstanding Artists’Painting in 21 Century nominated by Jiangsu Art(Monthly Pictorial) ----Wang Yu ”published by Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House.
Public collections
Luxun Academy of Fine Arts 、 Shanghai Art Museum 、 True Color Museum
YuChen Art Museum 、 Guanshanyue Museum、SeeWell International Art Center、Xian Space、Guangdong Museum of Art、Guilin Huaqiao Art Museum
定西写生(一) 180 x98cm 2012年 纸本水墨
定西写生(二) 180 x98cm 2012年 纸本水墨
人体写生(一)130x66.5cm 2015年 纸本水墨
人体写生(三)75.3x65.2cm 2015年 纸本水墨
人体写生(九)137.8x69.7cm 2015年 纸本水墨
人物写生(一) 139X69.5m 2016年 纸本水墨
视觉的阀-王煜 今日美术馆个展现场 2014年(1)
视觉的阀-王煜 今日美术馆个展现场 2014年(2)
视觉的阀-王煜 今日美术馆个展现场 2014年(3)
消毒(一 ) 180X98cm 2012年 纸本水墨